Radical Adventure Riders
Movement towards Gender Inclusivity and Racial Equity in Cycling
Founded in 2017, Radical Adventure Riders (RAR) is a movement towards gender inclusivity and racial equity in cycling and the outdoors. RAR does this by providing education, connection, resources, and support for the community and industry.
Radical Adventure Riders creates networks and programs to support FTWN-B* and BIPOC* folks in the cycling and outdoors scene.
*FTWN-B is shorthand for femme, transgender, women, and non-binary. BIPOC is shorthand for Black, Indigenous, and people of color. We acknowledge that letters and labels only go so far and that, above all, we seek to respect whatever words people use to describe themselves. We hope to engage in a conversation where we can learn more about one another.
Christina Grande (she/her) moved to Alaska from San Francisco in 2006 for a news reporting job! About four years into that, Grande started to work part-time at a bike shop in Anchorage. Since then, she moved full-time into the bike shop world because she enjoyed working with the community at this level. She’s been a mentor with GRIT, sits on the board of directors for Singletrack Advocates, who build and maintain singletrack mountain bike trails on Dena’ina land, and was a coach for a kids mountain bike camp called Mighty Bikes. In the ten years of working at bike shops, she finds it very important to give back to those who make it possible for people to have fun on bikes and for folks like her to have a job in this industry.
Zahra Alabanza (she/her/they) conjures enthusiasm for life by practicing pleasure and play, living simply, and seeking joy. Being a parent, organizer, creator, and adventurer are a few roles that allow her to explore the depths of her pleasure and joy. A project-starting, wandering, over lover, and outdoor junkie, she utilizes experience and space curation, outdoor adventure, land base work, wellness rituals, and being a creator as the root of her community organizing efforts to enhance the quality of life among Black folk. Her work centers Black women, children, and queer folks and meets at the intersection of justice, principled living, healing, quality of life, and Black liberation.
% to People
Biking, Skateboarding