Trail Magik Kid Carriers

Going further together

In: Gear >

The first of its kind. During transit it's folded to the size of a small water bottle & weighs just ounces.

When needed, The Trail Magik® Kid Carrier can attach to your backpacking backpack so you won't miss a beat while your little hitchhikers get their rest on.

Trail Magik Kid Carrier is another TOOL to help you and your family explore the world with your toddler. The Trail Magik was made and designed for all the backpacking families of the world. However, now we know it's intended for parents with children who walk a lot of the time, but still need to be carried here and there. This is where the Trail Magik shines! Our customers have used the Trail Magik in airports, in the backcountry, at Disneyland, on short hikes, and long... anytime you DON'T want to take along a bulky kid carrier but are worried your child might need a break or two on your outing - Take a TRAIL MAGIK!!


The story of how Trail Magik® was born is simple. The summer my first son turned 3 I took him on two backpacking trips. The first trip was just one night and only about 4 miles to where we set up camp, then another 6 miles to the peak and back. After gummy worms stopped working to get Gus to walk further on his own I had to pick him up. He probably walked 40% of the time which gave me hours to think about better ways of carrying him. This is when I began to envision what would become Trail Magik.

Before setting out on our second and much further backpacking trip, I scoured the internet for a child carrier that would attach to the front of my backpack. There was nothing like what I wanted. I didn’t want to bring a typical bulky child carrier that would interfere with my backpack straps and waist belt, I didn’t want a purpose-built backpack with a compartment for a child and no room for much else. So I hand-sewed my own carrier from heavy fabric, nylon straps and a few carabineers. It worked!

The trip was a success, full of lasting memories and bonding all made possible by my simple invention. Now I am excited to share this product with other hearty hiking parents and adventurous kids.

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