365 Mile Challenge

Just A Mile A Day - Your Way

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Our challenge is a fitness challenge, but so much more! Whether you're just starting to discover the benefits of being more active, or if you're already a seasoned adventurer, you're in the right place!
The 365 Mile Challenge community works together every year to complete a common goal - move at least 365 miles. You can walk, run, hike, swim, bike, paddle, snowshoe, etc. - as long as you're the one doing the work, it counts! We also have awesome mini-challenges throughout the year to keep you moving (Adventure Bingo, anyone?).

A Collaborative Challenge
This isn't a competitive challenge - it's collaborative. We are all getting our miles in our own way and at our own pace - but we're in this together. We have some members going for double or even triple miles, while others are working hard towards 365. We have folks who are running or hiking 20+ miles per week, and others who take evening walks at sunset around their neighborhood. We're all 365 Mile Challenge members.

And Yet, We're a Team...
We cheer for each other's successes and we help each other get back on track if we fall off. We are a community with a lot of support, motivation, and inspiration to share. Come join us!

Val Hopkins, Owner

Let me introduce myself. I'm a certified tree-hugger and nature lover and a retired nurse.

My love of the outdoors and my healthcare background combine to make me very passionate about motivating, supporting, and inspiring people to get and stay active - which is what this challenge is all about. This is most definitely my "Passion Project".

Kayla Hopkins, Co-Owner

My background is in biology, as I have a B.S. in Biology with a minor in Conservation Studies. I love animals and nature, so naturally, I enjoy being outdoors hiking, kayaking, or walking my adorable dog, a papillon named Clark. I bring my creativity and technical knowledge to this challenge doing everything from graphic design, website maintenance, and writer to provide the best 365 experience possible.

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