Wild Wanderer

Queer Outdoor Adventure Media

In: Blogs >

Wild Wanderer is an outdoor adventure site for the LGBTQ+ community. You’ll find discussions of issues facing the community, reviews of gender-neutral clothing & gear, adventurer spotlights, and more - all through a queer lens.

I started Wild Wanderer because I want to help fill this hole. Wild Wanderer seeks to help LGBTQ+ adventurers:

  • Find gear that works for them
  • Discuss issues facing the community
  • Find inspiration in the outdoors
  • Build community

Hi there! I’m Lettie.

Through my years of work in the outdoor industry and my lifelong love for cycling, backpacking, camping, nordic skiing, and other adventures, I’ve noticed a big hole that needs to be filled: LGBTQ+ outdoor adventurers need a community - and media - that caters to them.

There are plenty of outdoor magazines, websites, and blogs out there, but very few that speak directly to the queer community. LGBTQ+ adventurers have unique perspectives and challenges that we face in the outdoor industry, especially lack of representation. If you’ve ever felt like you don’t see yourself represented in the outdoor industry, then this community is for you.

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